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What is the use of node js training?

What is the use of node js training?

Node js is a javascript runtime environment which is based on Chromes V8 by Google. Node js training course is designed to build and understand web applications with the help of JavaScript. Nodejs training helps to build network applications quickly and effectively using JavaScript.

JavaScript is one of the top programming languages in the world and node js is one of the reasons for that. JavaScript has brought a lot of changes with its rising popularity. When compared to the olden days, the face of web development today is completely different. The things we are doing nowadays with javascript running on the server easily were very hard to imagine several years ago.

Node Js is an amazing career opportunity for any software developer. Let’s discuss some reasons to learn Node js course.

1. Build Realtime Applications-

Nowadays people want to interact with each other in real-time environments like chatting, social media updates, e-commerce websites, tracking apps, and gaming. These features require Real-time communication between clients, users, and servers across the web. Node js suits best for these kinds of applications.

2. Advantageous To Start-Up Companies-

Whatever the language may be used for the backend application, you need JavaScript for the front end. So learning JavaScript is far better than learning server-side languages like Java and Php. JavaScript can be shared on the client-side and server-side. This is advantageous to start-up companies for getting their job done quickly with few developers

3. High Performance-

Node js built on chrome V8’s by Google. The V8 engine compiles and executes JavaScript at high speed. When compared to Java and C, JavaScript achieves high performance with very few lines of code. The event loop is the reason behind the fast execution of JavaScript. It maintains an event loop that manages asynchronous operations.

4. Node Package Manager-

Node js one of the few programming languages that offer rich package ecosystems as Node Package Manager when you install it. Node js developer can package their libraries and solutions using Nodes official package manager. Node package Manager reduces complexity and makes development simple and speedy.

5. Easier by using single code-

By using Node js, it is easy to synchronize the data between client-side and server-side coding. By using the same language JavaScript on both the client-side and server-side, the source code will be more consistent. Because of this feature, the developer’s time will be saved to a great extent.

6. Massive Data streaming-

Streams are the collection of data and to handle this date, top-notch I/o processing methods are required. Node js is good at handling such an I/o process that allows users to transcode media files simultaneously in the uploading time. Writable, readable, duplex and transform are the four types of streams used by node js to handle data. It is very advantageous to the developers who can process files while uploading. Node js also enables apps to take less memory while doing massive data functions.

7. Suits to Build Microservices

As it is known that Nods js lightweight and highly scalable, it is more favourable to microservice architectures. Node js is easier to update and maintain the architecture because you can fix or add the existing architecture without dealing with the other parts of the application.

5. Corporate support-

Corporate companies like IBM, Microsoft, SAP, Fidelity, and PayPal had organized Nods js. Almost 300 companies are included in it

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